Together for an AI-Ready University: Solutions for Adapting to Artificial Intelligence in Romanian Higher Education

Together for an AI-Ready University: Solutions for Adapting to Artificial Intelligence in Romanian Higher Education

"Together for an AI-Ready University: Solutions for Adapting to Artificial Intelligence in Romanian Higher Education" launched by the NGO Pur și Simplu Verde focuses on finding solutions for universities in Romania regarding the adaptation to this type of technology. The goal of this initiative is to help universities prepare for the impact of artificial intelligence on education, research, and community relations.

Regarding teaching, the initiative will encourage universities to adapt to the use of artificial intelligence in the learning process. This may include changing the way written assignments are evaluated and graded, as well as introducing oral exercises and group work in place of written evaluations.

Regarding research, the initiative will encourage universities to invest in artificial intelligence research and ensure that researchers are prepared to work with these technologies. Additionally, collaboration between universities and companies in the field of artificial intelligence will be encouraged to increase the impact of research.

Regarding community relations, the initiative will encourage universities to work with non-governmental organizations and the private sector to develop continuing education programs and provide learning opportunities about artificial intelligence for the community.

The deliverables of the initiative include:

  • A report on the risks and benefits of artificial intelligence for universities in Romania
  • A best practices manual for using artificial intelligence in education and research
  • Guidelines for artificial intelligence research for universities in Romania
  • A series of training sessions for teachers and researchers on using artificial intelligence in their activities.

These deliverables will be developed in collaboration with universities in Romania to ensure they meet their needs and requirements and will be available to all universities in the country.

În ansamblu, inițiativa „Împreună pentru o universitate adaptată la inteligența artificială” promovează o abordare proactivă pentru a face față provocărilor și oportunităților create de inteligența artificială în educație, cercetare și relația cu comunitatea. 

Partner universities:

National School of Political Science and Administration

Romanian-American University

The Iasi Medical and Pharmacy School "Grigore T. Popa"

The Timisoara Life Sciences University King Michael I 

The Târgu Mures Medical, Pharmacy, Science and Technology School George Emil Palade

The Suceava University Stefan cel Mare 

The Petrosani University 

Business Partners:

IT and Services Industry Association

Implementation Team:

Augustin Jianu

Radu Puchiu

Dr. Ioana Petrescu

Maria Coman

Dr. Ion Moldoveanu

Dr. Florina Pînzaru

Dr. Anca Bălășoiu

Dr. Radu Ciorap

Dr. Corina Postelnicu