We have a contest!! Santa loves nature and wants to know what you did in 2021 to protect the environment. Did you take public transport to school? Did you plant a flower? Did you take care not to waste food? Did you use vegetables and fruits from your own garden? Did you use as few packaged products as possible? If you are between 5 and 9 years old, write a letter or draw a picture for Santa showing what you have done this year for nature. Then ask parents to post the letter or drawing on their social media accounts and enter the contest on www.pursisimpluverde.ro/mos-craciun. From there you will also find all the details related to the post. The deadline is December 15th and the prizes are 5 scooters. Don't forget to put the hashtag #pursisimpluverde to your post! Santa cannot wait to read what you did in 2021!
Simply Santa