2023, The Hottest Year

Last year, 2023, saw a 1.48 degrees Celsius rise above pre-industrial averages, according to the EU's climate service, making it the warmest year on record. Each day since July marked a new global air temperature high. Scientists were struck not only by the record-breaking nature of 2023 but also by the significant margin by which it surpassed previous records.

Alți indicatori globali au fost la fel de alarmanți. Gheața din Antarctica a atins un minim istoric, ghețarii din America de Nord și Alpi s-au topit dramatic, iar valurile de căldură marine au făcut ravagii pe oceanele lumii. Temperaturile de la suprafața oceanelor au doborât record după record  începând cu 4 mai 2023, stârnind îngrijorări pentru 2024. Imprevizibilul El Niño adaugă incertitudine, și e posibil ca anul 2024 să depășească pragul critic de 1,5 grade Celsius.

Post-COP28, nations acknowledged the need to address fossil fuels, though the agreement lacked binding obligations. Despite this, strides in renewable power and electric vehicles offer hope for mitigating climate change consequences. Climate scientists underscore the urgency for global cooperation to secure a sustainable future.

Source: BBC