Delivery Unit Hunedoara
The first delivery unit at the local government level established in Romania
What is a Delivery Unit?
Delivery Unit is a concept of changing the mentality, a well-functioning structure and, at the same time, a process of streamlining the results delivered to the citizens served by a certain form of government.
The Delivery Unit was first operationalized by the British Government, in the early 2000s when the Prime Minister in office at that time, Tony Blair, created such a unit at the level of his chancellery with the aim of improving the services offered to the population, in several areas considered to be priority.
In the last 20 years, the Delivery Unit model has traveled around the world, in various forms, serving different state administration structures (local, central, presidential, etc.) - and a brief review highlighted the existence, during this time, of over 150 DU's in 80 countries over the globe.
How does it work?
Quick. Targeted. Result driven.
Delivery Units are born inside the administrations, as small, focused teams, made up of senior experts, with extensive expertise in the reference fields and with leadership skills and good communicators. These teams are under the direct coordination of the institution manager, report directly to him/her and represent the interface between management and all parties involved in the process of delivering results for people.
Concretely, the Delivery Unit team is mandated to identify among the institutional objectives of public policies and programs, those priorities in accordance with the management agenda, and to accelerate their implementation process, through specific DU mechanisms (building an action plan, breaking down the actions into concrete measures and fast, identifying and resolving blockages, establishing measurement indicators, risk analysis, etc.).
The primary purpose of a Delivery Unit is, as the name suggests (Delivery), to deliver concrete and quick results.
Delivery Unit in Romania
In 2014, a Delivery Unit was created at the level of the chancellery of the prime minister at the time, which aimed to improve the relationship between the state and taxpayers, in four key areas: taxes and duties, the rights of energy consumers, public procurement and increasing the degree employment among young people.
The efforts and work of this Delivery Unit were the basis for the creation of the Virtual Private Space (SPV) of the National Fiscal Administration Agency, being the first online platform where companies could upload the documents needed to establish tax rates, or request different documents from ANAF. Also, DU contributed essentially to the rewriting of public procurement laws, reaching such a consensus on the part of all the institutions involved, after long attempts to simplify public procurement processes and procedures.
Delivery Unit Hunedoara (DU HD)
Hunedoara County Council turned to the Pure and Simple Green experts out of the desire to create its own Delivery Unit within the CJ.
Not only DU HD is a new approach, being the first at the local level in Romania, but also specific to the current European situation, namely, the county's energy transition process.
Along with other counties in the Western region, counties with a strong dependence on coal mining and traditional industries, Hunedoara is going through a period of adaptation, recalibration to European energy mix trends and environmental protection.
The objectives of the county, outlined as such by the Territorial Plan of Just Transition, cover the needs of the Hunedorian administration for the modernization and development of a sustainable ecosystem in the long term to improve energy sources, protect the environment, accelerate investments in tourism, reduce the degree of energy poverty of the population, protecting vulnerable consumers, and more.
The Delivery Unit, which will operate at the level of Hunedoara CJ, under the direct coordination of the president of the institution, will have a concrete action plan to be implemented in the short and medium term, which will help achieve the above-mentioned objectives, prioritizing the population, especially the categories vulnerable, but also SMEs.