Donate as an individual

Do you believe in a simply green Romania? Get involved with us. You can start by becoming a volunteer and, if you like what we do, you can become a full memberDon't have enough time, but still want to get involved? Reallocate part of your taxes through a sponsorship act:

Individuals can support non-governmental organizations registered in the Register of entities for which tax deductions are granted, if they conclude a sponsorship contract. Our association is enrolled in the Register, which can be consulted here (search by CIF 43498554). Therefore, you can financially support our work as follows:

If you earn income from self-employment, 5% din venitul tau net (total venituri minus cheltuieli deductibile eligibile conform legii) plătit sub forma de sponsorizare îți va reduce baza impozabilă pentru anul în care s-a facut sponsorizarea (practic, nu plătești impozit pe venit la această sumă). Suplimentar, la depunerea declarației unice, poți decide să redirecționezi până la 3,5% din impozitul tau pe venit de plată către noi. Se poate face și electronic prin Spațiul Privat Virtual.

If you earn any taxable income other than self-employment, including income from salaries, you can redirect up to 3.5% of your income tax payable to us, either by completing and submitting form 230 until the date of May 25 of the following year (e.g. the deadline to submit Form 230 for the income of year 2023 is May 25, 2024). Once you filled out the firm, please email it to

Dacă ai orice întrebări cu privire la contribuția ta sau dorești sa ne trimiți formularul 230 completat, scrie-ne la