Fossil fuels are more expensive than green energy

For years, economists have said that switching from coal to cleaner power — such as wind or solar — would be very costly. But actually, decarbonizing our energy will help us save money.

Economists have used computer models to predict future energy costs from fossil fuels, but predicting the cost of renewables has proven more difficult. This is because the cost of renewable sources such as solar and wind have been decreasing every year.

Predictions suggest that if people continue to install solar, wind and battery storage at the same pace for the next 20 years, it could result in a fast transition to clean power and save between $5 trillion and $15 trillion dollars.

A significant part of the clean energy transition will take place inside buildings. Now, natural gas, a fossil fuel, is commonly used for heating and cooking, but electric alternatives are gradually replacing it. This will reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants that are hazardous to health.

California a adoptat recent o lege care interzice vânzarea de radiatoare și încălzitoare de apă pe gaz. Acest lucru va face clădirile mai confortabile și mai sigure. Alternativele electrice, cum ar fi pompele de căldură, pot încălzi și răci o casă în mod eficient, în timp ce plitele electrice fac gătitul mai ușor.

Source: Science News Explores

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