Guidelines for Implementing AI in Universities

Posted on 2023-06-182023-06-18Categories AI

Introduction Now more than ever, the question of how to adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) into higher education institutions. Universities around the world have either implemented certain AI tools in teaching, research, and administration or have begun to strategize how to best adopt these technologies and systems. The following guidelines are the most widely recommended considerations for institutions undergoing the process. Planning According to Context When implementing AI into any higher education institution, it must be done so in consideration of … Continuă citirea „Guidelines for Implementing AI in Universities”

Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education

Posted on 2023-06-112023-06-11Categories AI

Benefits There are several benefits for professors, students, and institutions from implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in higher education. In general, universities have found that different AI tools have benefitted both educators and students (Pisica et al., 2023). These benefits include: Grading – Educators in higher education benefit from AI systems designed to grade students’ assignments, quizzes, and exams, giving them valuable written feedback in the process. This reduces the amount of time spent on manually grading assessments and allows educators to … Continuă citirea „Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education”

AI Skills

Posted on 2023-05-082023-05-08Categories AI

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gradually changed the job market and will accelerate in the coming years. With AI increasing automation and replacing repetitive and predictable tasks, a significant shift in the skills required to adapt to the future of AI in the workplace is expected. Employers have started to prioritize certain skill sets in retaining their current employees by upskilling and reskilling, as well as in the attributes they look for in potential employees during the hiring process. Current … Continuă citirea „AI Skills”

Utilizări ale Inteligenței Artificiale în universități

Posted on 2023-03-152023-03-15Categories AI

Introducere  Inteligența Artificială (IA) are multe utilizări în învățământul superior. Deși utilizarea IA în universități nu este cu totul nouă, invențiile recente, ca de exemplu ChatGPT, au atras mai multă atenție cu privire la modul în care se poate implementată în sălile de curs deși instituții în general. IA are mai multe aplicații utile în administrare și instrucție/cercetare, precum și în detectarea folosirii generare de text IA. Pentru a compensa proliferarea scrisului generat de IA, profesorii și instituțiile au experimentat … Continuă citirea „Utilizări ale Inteligenței Artificiale în universități”